30 day job posting £149 + VAT
30 day job posting
£149 + VAT/30 day advert
- Secure payment via PayPal
- 30 day posting
- Branded advert in Job Listings section of our website. gibsonglobalsearch.com receives roughly 1,000 hits per day, 600 of which are on the Job Listings page
- Your advert featured in our regular Job Alerts newsletter sent to over 20,000 active subscribers
- Social Media broadcast. Daily announcement and link to advert on Twitter (circa 16,000 followers) LinkedIn staff profiles (30,000+ connections), posting in 50+ relevant LinkedIn Groups, on GGS LinkedIn Company page, Facebook page, Google+ and Pinterest
- All applications and CVs will go directly to an email address of your choice
- User friendly management dashboard on gibsonglobalsearch.com